#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import text, json from sanic_prometheus import monitor from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient import httpx import pymongo import os app = Sanic(__name__) monitor(app).expose_endpoint() INVENTORY_API_KEY = os.environ["INVENTORY_API_KEY"] DOORBOY_SECRET_FLOOR = os.environ["DOORBOY_SECRET_FLOOR"] DOORBOY_SECRET_WORKSHOP = os.environ["DOORBOY_SECRET_WORKSHOP"] CARD_URI = os.environ["CARD_URI"] FLOOR_ACCESS_GROUP = os.environ["FLOOR_ACCESS_GROUP"] WORKSHOP_ACCESS_GROUP = os.environ["WORKSHOP_ACCESS_GROUP"] MONGO_URI = os.environ["MONGO_URI"] assert len(DOORBOY_SECRET_FLOOR) >= 10 assert len(DOORBOY_SECRET_WORKSHOP) >= 10 @app.listener("before_server_start") async def setup_db(app, loop): # TODO: find cleaner way to do this, for more see # https://github.com/sanic-org/sanic/issues/919 app.ctx.db = AsyncIOMotorClient(MONGO_URI).get_default_database() @app.route("/allowed") async def view_doorboy_uids(request): key = request.headers.get("KEY") if not key or key not in [DOORBOY_SECRET_FLOOR, DOORBOY_SECRET_WORKSHOP]: return text("how about no") groups = [] if key == DOORBOY_SECRET_FLOOR: groups.append(FLOOR_ACCESS_GROUP) if key == DOORBOY_SECRET_WORKSHOP: groups.append(WORKSHOP_ACCESS_GROUP) if not groups: return "fail", 500 async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: r = await client.post(CARD_URI, json={ "groups": groups }, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Basic {INVENTORY_API_KEY}" }) j = r.json() allowed_uids = [] for obj in j: allowed_uids.append({ "token": obj["token"] }) return json({"allowed_uids": allowed_uids}) @app.route("/longpoll", stream=True) async def view_longpoll(request): key = request.headers.get("KEY") if not key or key not in [DOORBOY_SECRET_FLOOR, DOORBOY_SECRET_WORKSHOP]: return text("Invalid token") response = await request.respond(content_type="text/event-stream") await response.send("data: response-generator-started\n\n") pipeline = [ { "$match": { "operationType": "insert", } } ] try: async with app.ctx.db.eventlog.watch(pipeline) as stream: await response.send("data: watch-stream-opened\n\n") async for event in stream: if event["fullDocument"].get("type") == "open-door" and event["fullDocument"].get("approved", False): await response.send("data: %s\n\n" % event["fullDocument"]["door"]) except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError as e: print(e) await response.send("data: response-generator-ended\n\n") return @app.post("/swipe") async def forward_swipe(request): key = request.headers.get("KEY") if not key or key not in [DOORBOY_SECRET_FLOOR, DOORBOY_SECRET_WORKSHOP]: return text("Invalid token", status=401) data = request.json doors = [] if key == DOORBOY_SECRET_FLOOR: doors.extend(["backdoor, frontdoor, grounddoor"]) if key == DOORBOY_SECRET_WORKSHOP: doors.append("workshopdoor") if data.get("door") not in doors: return text("Not allowed", 403) async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: r = await client.post(SWIPE_URI, json=data, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Basic {INVENTORY_API_KEY}" }) if r.status_code == 200: return text("ok") else: return text("Failed", 500) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=False, host="", port=5000, single_process=True, access_log=True)