Specify "DN" as attribute name to return, but will only work if not present in ldap.Entry.Attributes Use when full DN is stored in groupSearch's userAttr
454 lines
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// Package ldap implements strategies for authenticating using the LDAP protocol.
package ldap
import (
// Config holds the configuration parameters for the LDAP connector. The LDAP
// connectors require executing two queries, the first to find the user based on
// the username and password given to the connector. The second to use the user
// entry to search for groups.
// An example config:
// type: ldap
// config:
// host: ldap.example.com:636
// # The following field is required if using port 389.
// # insecureNoSSL: true
// rootCA: /etc/dex/ldap.ca
// bindDN: uid=seviceaccount,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
// bindPW: password
// userSearch:
// # Would translate to the query "(&(objectClass=person)(uid=<username>))"
// baseDN: cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
// filter: "(objectClass=person)"
// username: uid
// idAttr: uid
// emailAttr: mail
// nameAttr: name
// groupSearch:
// # Would translate to the query "(&(objectClass=group)(member=<user uid>))"
// baseDN: cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com
// filter: "(objectClass=group)"
// userAttr: uid
// # Use if full DN is needed and not available as any other attribute
// # Will only work if "DN" attribute does not exist in the record
// # userAttr: DN
// groupAttr: member
// nameAttr: name
type Config struct {
// The host and optional port of the LDAP server. If port isn't supplied, it will be
// guessed based on the TLS configuration. 389 or 636.
Host string `json:"host"`
// Required if LDAP host does not use TLS.
InsecureNoSSL bool `json:"insecureNoSSL"`
// Path to a trusted root certificate file.
RootCA string `json:"rootCA"`
// Base64 encoded PEM data containing root CAs.
RootCAData []byte `json:"rootCAData"`
// BindDN and BindPW for an application service account. The connector uses these
// credentials to search for users and groups.
BindDN string `json:"bindDN"`
BindPW string `json:"bindPW"`
// User entry search configuration.
UserSearch struct {
// BsaeDN to start the search from. For example "cn=users,dc=example,dc=com"
BaseDN string `json:"baseDN"`
// Optional filter to apply when searching the directory. For example "(objectClass=person)"
Filter string `json:"filter"`
// Attribute to match against the inputted username. This will be translated and combined
// with the other filter as "(<attr>=<username>)".
Username string `json:"username"`
// Can either be:
// * "sub" - search the whole sub tree
// * "one" - only search one level
Scope string `json:"scope"`
// A mapping of attributes on the user entry to claims.
IDAttr string `json:"idAttr"` // Defaults to "uid"
EmailAttr string `json:"emailAttr"` // Defaults to "mail"
NameAttr string `json:"nameAttr"` // No default.
} `json:"userSearch"`
// Group search configuration.
GroupSearch struct {
// BsaeDN to start the search from. For example "cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
BaseDN string `json:"baseDN"`
// Optional filter to apply when searching the directory. For example "(objectClass=posixGroup)"
Filter string `json:"filter"`
Scope string `json:"scope"` // Defaults to "sub"
// These two fields are use to match a user to a group.
// It adds an additional requirement to the filter that an attribute in the group
// match the user's attribute value. For example that the "members" attribute of
// a group matches the "uid" of the user. The exact filter being added is:
// (<groupAttr>=<userAttr value>)
UserAttr string `json:"userAttr"`
GroupAttr string `json:"groupAttr"`
// The attribute of the group that represents its name.
NameAttr string `json:"nameAttr"`
} `json:"groupSearch"`
func parseScope(s string) (int, bool) {
// NOTE(ericchiang): ScopeBaseObject doesn't really make sense for us because we
// never know the user's or group's DN.
switch s {
case "", "sub":
return ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, true
case "one":
return ldap.ScopeSingleLevel, true
return 0, false
// escapeRune maps a rune to a hex encoded value. For example 'é' would become '\\c3\\a9'
func escapeRune(buff *bytes.Buffer, r rune) {
// Really inefficient, but it seems correct.
for _, b := range []byte(string(r)) {
// NOTE(ericchiang): There are no good documents on how to escape an LDAP string.
// This implementation is inspired by an Oracle document, and is purposefully
// extremely restrictive.
// See: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19424-01/820-4811/gdxpo/index.html
func escapeFilter(s string) string {
r := strings.NewReader(s)
buff := new(bytes.Buffer)
for {
ru, _, err := r.ReadRune()
if err != nil {
// ignore decoding issues
return buff.String()
switch {
case ru > unicode.MaxASCII: // Not ASCII
escapeRune(buff, ru)
case !unicode.IsPrint(ru): // Not printable
escapeRune(buff, ru)
case strings.ContainsRune(`*\()`, ru): // Reserved characters
escapeRune(buff, ru)
// Open returns an authentication strategy using LDAP.
func (c *Config) Open() (connector.Connector, error) {
conn, err := c.OpenConnector()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return connector.Connector(conn), nil
// OpenConnector is the same as Open but returns a type with all implemented connector interfaces.
func (c *Config) OpenConnector() (interface {
}, error) {
requiredFields := []struct {
name string
val string
{"host", c.Host},
{"userSearch.baseDN", c.UserSearch.BaseDN},
{"userSearch.username", c.UserSearch.Username},
for _, field := range requiredFields {
if field.val == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ldap: missing required field %q", field.name)
var (
host string
err error
if host, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(c.Host); err != nil {
host = c.Host
if c.InsecureNoSSL {
c.Host = c.Host + ":389"
} else {
c.Host = c.Host + ":636"
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{ServerName: host}
if c.RootCA != "" || len(c.RootCAData) != 0 {
data := c.RootCAData
if len(data) == 0 {
var err error
if data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(c.RootCA); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ldap: read ca file: %v", err)
rootCAs := x509.NewCertPool()
if !rootCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(data) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ldap: no certs found in ca file")
tlsConfig.RootCAs = rootCAs
userSearchScope, ok := parseScope(c.UserSearch.Scope)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("userSearch.Scope unknown value %q", c.UserSearch.Scope)
groupSearchScope, ok := parseScope(c.GroupSearch.Scope)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("userSearch.Scope unknown value %q", c.GroupSearch.Scope)
return &ldapConnector{*c, userSearchScope, groupSearchScope, tlsConfig}, nil
type ldapConnector struct {
userSearchScope int
groupSearchScope int
tlsConfig *tls.Config
var _ connector.PasswordConnector = (*ldapConnector)(nil)
// do initializes a connection to the LDAP directory and passes it to the
// provided function. It then performs appropriate teardown or reuse before
// returning.
func (c *ldapConnector) do(f func(c *ldap.Conn) error) error {
var (
conn *ldap.Conn
err error
if c.InsecureNoSSL {
conn, err = ldap.Dial("tcp", c.Host)
} else {
conn, err = ldap.DialTLS("tcp", c.Host, c.tlsConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to connect: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
// If bindDN and bindPW are empty this will default to an anonymous bind.
if err := conn.Bind(c.BindDN, c.BindPW); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ldap: initial bind for user %q failed: %v", c.BindDN, err)
return f(conn)
func getAttr(e ldap.Entry, name string) string {
for _, a := range e.Attributes {
if a.Name != name {
if len(a.Values) == 0 {
return ""
return a.Values[0]
if name == "DN" {
return e.DN
return ""
func (c *ldapConnector) Login(username, password string) (ident connector.Identity, validPass bool, err error) {
var (
// We want to return a different error if the user's password is incorrect vs
// if there was an error.
incorrectPass = false
user ldap.Entry
filter := fmt.Sprintf("(%s=%s)", c.UserSearch.Username, escapeFilter(username))
if c.UserSearch.Filter != "" {
filter = fmt.Sprintf("(&%s%s)", c.UserSearch.Filter, filter)
// Initial search.
req := &ldap.SearchRequest{
BaseDN: c.UserSearch.BaseDN,
Filter: filter,
Scope: c.userSearchScope,
// We only need to search for these specific requests.
Attributes: []string{
// TODO(ericchiang): what if this contains duplicate values?
if c.UserSearch.NameAttr != "" {
req.Attributes = append(req.Attributes, c.UserSearch.NameAttr)
err = c.do(func(conn *ldap.Conn) error {
resp, err := conn.Search(req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ldap: search with filter %q failed: %v", req.Filter, err)
switch n := len(resp.Entries); n {
case 0:
log.Printf("ldap: no results returned for filter: %q", filter)
incorrectPass = true
return nil
case 1:
return fmt.Errorf("ldap: filter returned multiple (%d) results: %q", n, filter)
user = *resp.Entries[0]
// Try to authenticate as the distinguished name.
if err := conn.Bind(user.DN, password); err != nil {
// Detect a bad password through the LDAP error code.
if ldapErr, ok := err.(*ldap.Error); ok {
if ldapErr.ResultCode == ldap.LDAPResultInvalidCredentials {
log.Printf("ldap: invalid password for user %q", user.DN)
incorrectPass = true
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("ldap: failed to bind as dn %q: %v", user.DN, err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return connector.Identity{}, false, err
if incorrectPass {
return connector.Identity{}, false, nil
// Encode entry for follow up requests such as the groups query and
// refresh attempts.
if ident.ConnectorData, err = json.Marshal(user); err != nil {
return connector.Identity{}, false, fmt.Errorf("ldap: marshal entry: %v", err)
// If we're missing any attributes, such as email or ID, we want to report
// an error rather than continuing.
missing := []string{}
// Fill the identity struct using the attributes from the user entry.
if ident.UserID = getAttr(user, c.UserSearch.IDAttr); ident.UserID == "" {
missing = append(missing, c.UserSearch.IDAttr)
if ident.Email = getAttr(user, c.UserSearch.EmailAttr); ident.Email == "" {
missing = append(missing, c.UserSearch.EmailAttr)
if c.UserSearch.NameAttr != "" {
if ident.Username = getAttr(user, c.UserSearch.NameAttr); ident.Username == "" {
missing = append(missing, c.UserSearch.NameAttr)
if len(missing) != 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("ldap: entry %q missing following required attribute(s): %q", user.DN, missing)
return connector.Identity{}, false, err
return ident, true, nil
func (c *ldapConnector) Groups(ident connector.Identity) ([]string, error) {
// Decode the user entry from the identity.
var user ldap.Entry
if err := json.Unmarshal(ident.ConnectorData, &user); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ldap: failed to unmarshal connector data: %v", err)
filter := fmt.Sprintf("(%s=%s)", c.GroupSearch.GroupAttr, escapeFilter(getAttr(user, c.GroupSearch.UserAttr)))
if c.GroupSearch.Filter != "" {
filter = fmt.Sprintf("(&%s%s)", c.GroupSearch.Filter, filter)
req := &ldap.SearchRequest{
BaseDN: c.GroupSearch.BaseDN,
Filter: filter,
Scope: c.groupSearchScope,
Attributes: []string{c.GroupSearch.NameAttr},
var groups []*ldap.Entry
if err := c.do(func(conn *ldap.Conn) error {
resp, err := conn.Search(req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ldap: search failed: %v", err)
groups = resp.Entries
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(groups) == 0 {
// TODO(ericchiang): Is this going to spam the logs?
log.Printf("ldap: groups search with filter %q returned no groups", filter)
var groupNames []string
for _, group := range groups {
name := getAttr(*group, c.GroupSearch.NameAttr)
if name == "" {
// Be obnoxious about missing missing attributes. If the group entry is
// missing its name attribute, that indicates a misconfiguration.
// In the future we can add configuration options to just log these errors.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ldap: group entity %q missing required attribute %q",
group.DN, c.GroupSearch.NameAttr)
groupNames = append(groupNames, name)
return groupNames, nil
func (c *ldapConnector) Close() error {
return nil