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Alastair Houghton 0284a4c3c9 fix: back link on password page needs to be explicit.
The back link on the password page was using Javascript to tell the
browser to navigate back, which won't work if the user has entered a
set of incorrect log-in details.  Fix this by using an explicit URL

Fixes #1851

Signed-off-by: Alastair Houghton <>
2021-05-21 11:24:30 +01:00

343 lines
9.4 KiB

package server
import (
const (
tmplApproval = "approval.html"
tmplLogin = "login.html"
tmplPassword = "password.html"
tmplOOB = "oob.html"
tmplError = "error.html"
tmplDevice = "device.html"
tmplDeviceSuccess = "device_success.html"
var requiredTmpls = []string{
type templates struct {
loginTmpl *template.Template
approvalTmpl *template.Template
passwordTmpl *template.Template
oobTmpl *template.Template
errorTmpl *template.Template
deviceTmpl *template.Template
deviceSuccessTmpl *template.Template
type webConfig struct {
webFS fs.FS
logoURL string
issuer string
theme string
issuerURL string
extra map[string]string
// loadWebConfig returns static assets, theme assets, and templates used by the frontend by
// reading the dir specified in the webConfig. If directory is not specified it will
// use the file system specified by webFS.
// The directory layout is expected to be:
// ( web directory )
// |- static
// |- themes
// | |- (theme name)
// |- templates
func loadWebConfig(c webConfig) (http.Handler, http.Handler, *templates, error) {
// fallback to the default theme if the legacy theme name is provided
if c.theme == "coreos" || c.theme == "tectonic" {
c.theme = ""
if c.theme == "" {
c.theme = "light"
if c.issuer == "" {
c.issuer = "dex"
if c.logoURL == "" {
c.logoURL = "theme/logo.png"
staticFiles, err := fs.Sub(c.webFS, "static")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("read static dir: %v", err)
themeFiles, err := fs.Sub(c.webFS, filepath.Join("themes", c.theme))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("read themes dir: %v", err)
static := http.FileServer(http.FS(staticFiles))
theme := http.FileServer(http.FS(themeFiles))
templates, err := loadTemplates(c, "templates")
return static, theme, templates, err
// loadTemplates parses the expected templates from the provided directory.
func loadTemplates(c webConfig, templatesDir string) (*templates, error) {
files, err := fs.ReadDir(c.webFS, templatesDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read dir: %v", err)
filenames := []string{}
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsDir() {
filenames = append(filenames, filepath.Join(templatesDir, file.Name()))
if len(filenames) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no files in template dir %q", templatesDir)
issuerURL, err := url.Parse(c.issuerURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing issuerURL: %v", err)
funcs := map[string]interface{}{
"issuer": func() string { return c.issuer },
"logo": func() string { return c.logoURL },
"url": func(reqPath, assetPath string) string { return relativeURL(issuerURL.Path, reqPath, assetPath) },
"lower": strings.ToLower,
"extra": func(k string) string { return c.extra[k] },
tmpls, err := template.New("").Funcs(funcs).ParseFS(c.webFS, filenames...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parse files: %v", err)
missingTmpls := []string{}
for _, tmplName := range requiredTmpls {
if tmpls.Lookup(tmplName) == nil {
missingTmpls = append(missingTmpls, tmplName)
if len(missingTmpls) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing template(s): %s", missingTmpls)
return &templates{
loginTmpl: tmpls.Lookup(tmplLogin),
approvalTmpl: tmpls.Lookup(tmplApproval),
passwordTmpl: tmpls.Lookup(tmplPassword),
oobTmpl: tmpls.Lookup(tmplOOB),
errorTmpl: tmpls.Lookup(tmplError),
deviceTmpl: tmpls.Lookup(tmplDevice),
deviceSuccessTmpl: tmpls.Lookup(tmplDeviceSuccess),
}, nil
// relativeURL returns the URL of the asset relative to the URL of the request path.
// The serverPath is consulted to trim any prefix due in case it is not listening
// to the root path.
// Algorithm:
// 1. Remove common prefix of serverPath and reqPath
// 2. Remove common prefix of assetPath and reqPath
// 3. For each part of reqPath remaining(minus one), go up one level (..)
// 4. For each part of assetPath remaining, append it to result
// eg
// server listens at localhost/dex so serverPath is dex
// reqPath is /dex/auth
// assetPath is static/main.css
// relativeURL("/dex", "/dex/auth", "static/main.css") = "../static/main.css"
func relativeURL(serverPath, reqPath, assetPath string) string {
if u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(assetPath); err == nil && u.Scheme != "" {
// assetPath points to the external URL, no changes needed
return assetPath
splitPath := func(p string) []string {
res := []string{}
parts := strings.Split(path.Clean(p), "/")
for _, part := range parts {
if part != "" {
res = append(res, part)
return res
stripCommonParts := func(s1, s2 []string) ([]string, []string) {
min := len(s1)
if len(s2) < min {
min = len(s2)
splitIndex := min
for i := 0; i < min; i++ {
if s1[i] != s2[i] {
splitIndex = i
return s1[splitIndex:], s2[splitIndex:]
server, req, asset := splitPath(serverPath), splitPath(reqPath), splitPath(assetPath)
// Remove common prefix of request path with server path
_, req = stripCommonParts(server, req)
// Remove common prefix of request path with asset path
asset, req = stripCommonParts(asset, req)
// For each part of the request remaining (minus one) -> go up one level (..)
// For each part of the asset remaining -> append it
var relativeURL string
for i := 0; i < len(req)-1; i++ {
relativeURL = path.Join("..", relativeURL)
relativeURL = path.Join(relativeURL, path.Join(asset...))
return relativeURL
var scopeDescriptions = map[string]string{
"offline_access": "Have offline access",
"profile": "View basic profile information",
"email": "View your email address",
type connectorInfo struct {
ID string
Name string
URL string
Type string
type byName []connectorInfo
func (n byName) Len() int { return len(n) }
func (n byName) Less(i, j int) bool { return n[i].Name < n[j].Name }
func (n byName) Swap(i, j int) { n[i], n[j] = n[j], n[i] }
func (t *templates) device(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, postURL string, userCode string, lastWasInvalid bool) error {
if lastWasInvalid {
data := struct {
PostURL string
UserCode string
Invalid bool
ReqPath string
}{postURL, userCode, lastWasInvalid, r.URL.Path}
return renderTemplate(w, t.deviceTmpl, data)
func (t *templates) deviceSuccess(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, clientName string) error {
data := struct {
ClientName string
ReqPath string
}{clientName, r.URL.Path}
return renderTemplate(w, t.deviceSuccessTmpl, data)
func (t *templates) login(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, connectors []connectorInfo) error {
data := struct {
Connectors []connectorInfo
ReqPath string
}{connectors, r.URL.Path}
return renderTemplate(w, t.loginTmpl, data)
func (t *templates) password(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, postURL, lastUsername, usernamePrompt string, lastWasInvalid bool, backLink string) error {
data := struct {
PostURL string
BackLink string
Username string
UsernamePrompt string
Invalid bool
ReqPath string
}{postURL, backLink, lastUsername, usernamePrompt, lastWasInvalid, r.URL.Path}
return renderTemplate(w, t.passwordTmpl, data)
func (t *templates) approval(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, authReqID, username, clientName string, scopes []string) error {
accesses := []string{}
for _, scope := range scopes {
access, ok := scopeDescriptions[scope]
if ok {
accesses = append(accesses, access)
data := struct {
User string
Client string
AuthReqID string
Scopes []string
ReqPath string
}{username, clientName, authReqID, accesses, r.URL.Path}
return renderTemplate(w, t.approvalTmpl, data)
func (t *templates) oob(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, code string) error {
data := struct {
Code string
ReqPath string
}{code, r.URL.Path}
return renderTemplate(w, t.oobTmpl, data)
func (t *templates) err(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, errCode int, errMsg string) error {
data := struct {
ErrType string
ErrMsg string
ReqPath string
}{http.StatusText(errCode), errMsg, r.URL.Path}
if err := t.errorTmpl.Execute(w, data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rendering template %s failed: %s", t.errorTmpl.Name(), err)
return nil
// small io.Writer utility to determine if executing the template wrote to the underlying response writer.
type writeRecorder struct {
wrote bool
w io.Writer
func (w *writeRecorder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
w.wrote = true
return w.w.Write(p)
func renderTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, tmpl *template.Template, data interface{}) error {
wr := &writeRecorder{w: w}
if err := tmpl.Execute(wr, data); err != nil {
if !wr.wrote {
// TODO(ericchiang): replace with better internal server error.
http.Error(w, "Internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
return fmt.Errorf("rendering template %s failed: %s", tmpl.Name(), err)
return nil