FROM golang:1.15.6-alpine3.12 ARG TARGETOS ARG TARGETARCH ARG TARGETVARIANT="" WORKDIR /usr/local/src/dex ENV GOOS=${TARGETOS} \ GOARCH=${TARGETARCH} \ GOARM=${TARGETVARIANT} RUN apk add --no-cache --update alpine-sdk ARG GOPROXY COPY go.mod go.sum ./ COPY api/v2/go.mod api/v2/go.sum ./api/v2/ RUN go mod download COPY . . RUN make release-binary FROM alpine:3.12.2 WORKDIR / # Dex connectors, such as GitHub and Google logins require root certificates. # Proper installations should manage those certificates, but it's a bad user # experience when this doesn't work out of the box. # # OpenSSL is required so wget can query HTTPS endpoints for health checking. RUN apk add --no-cache --update ca-certificates openssl USER 1001:1001 COPY --from=0 /go/bin/dex /usr/local/bin/dex # Copy module dependencies for CVE scanning / dependency analysis. COPY go.mod go.sum /opt/dex/dependencies/ COPY api/v2/go.mod api/v2/go.sum /opt/dex/dependencies/api/v2/ # Import frontend assets and set the correct CWD directory so the assets # are in the default path. COPY web web ENTRYPOINT ["dex"] CMD ["version"]