Authentication through Atlassian Crowd ## Overview Atlassian Crowd is a centralized identity management solution providing single sign-on and user identity. Current connector uses request to [Crowd REST API]( endpoints: * `/user` - to get user-info * `/session` - to authenticate the user Offline Access scope support provided with a new request to user authentication and user info endpoints. ## Configuration To start using the Atlassian Crowd connector, firstly you need to register an application in your Crowd like specified in the [docs]( The following is an example of a configuration for dex `examples/config-dev.yaml`: ```yaml connectors: - type: atlassian-crowd # Required field for connector id. id: crowd # Required field for connector name. name: Crowd config: # Required field to connect to Crowd. baseURL: # Credentials can be string literals or pulled from the environment. clientID: $ATLASSIAN_CROWD_APPLICATION_ID clientSecret: $ATLASSIAN_CROWD_CLIENT_SECRET # Optional groups whitelist, communicated through the "groups" scope. # If `groups` is omitted, all of the user's Crowd groups are returned when the groups scope is present. # If `groups` is provided, this acts as a whitelist - only the user's Crowd groups that are in the configured `groups` below will go into the groups claim. # Conversely, if the user is not in any of the configured `groups`, the user will not be authenticated. groups: - my-group # Prompt for username field. usernamePrompt: Login ```