// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // https://github.com/golang/protobuf // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package proto_test import ( "math" "reflect" "testing" . "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" proto3pb "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/proto3_proto" . "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/testdata" ) type UnmarshalTextTest struct { in string err string // if "", no error expected out *MyMessage } func buildExtStructTest(text string) UnmarshalTextTest { msg := &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), } SetExtension(msg, E_Ext_More, &Ext{ Data: String("Hello, world!"), }) return UnmarshalTextTest{in: text, out: msg} } func buildExtDataTest(text string) UnmarshalTextTest { msg := &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), } SetExtension(msg, E_Ext_Text, String("Hello, world!")) SetExtension(msg, E_Ext_Number, Int32(1729)) return UnmarshalTextTest{in: text, out: msg} } func buildExtRepStringTest(text string) UnmarshalTextTest { msg := &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), } if err := SetExtension(msg, E_Greeting, []string{"bula", "hola"}); err != nil { panic(err) } return UnmarshalTextTest{in: text, out: msg} } var unMarshalTextTests = []UnmarshalTextTest{ // Basic { in: " count:42\n name:\"Dave\" ", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("Dave"), }, }, // Empty quoted string { in: `count:42 name:""`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String(""), }, }, // Quoted string concatenation with double quotes { in: `count:42 name: "My name is "` + "\n" + `"elsewhere"`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("My name is elsewhere"), }, }, // Quoted string concatenation with single quotes { in: "count:42 name: 'My name is '\n'elsewhere'", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("My name is elsewhere"), }, }, // Quoted string concatenations with mixed quotes { in: "count:42 name: 'My name is '\n\"elsewhere\"", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("My name is elsewhere"), }, }, { in: "count:42 name: \"My name is \"\n'elsewhere'", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("My name is elsewhere"), }, }, // Quoted string with escaped apostrophe { in: `count:42 name: "HOLIDAY - New Year\'s Day"`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("HOLIDAY - New Year's Day"), }, }, // Quoted string with single quote { in: `count:42 name: 'Roger "The Ramster" Ramjet'`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String(`Roger "The Ramster" Ramjet`), }, }, // Quoted string with all the accepted special characters from the C++ test { in: `count:42 name: ` + "\"\\\"A string with \\' characters \\n and \\r newlines and \\t tabs and \\001 slashes \\\\ and multiple spaces\"", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("\"A string with ' characters \n and \r newlines and \t tabs and \001 slashes \\ and multiple spaces"), }, }, // Quoted string with quoted backslash { in: `count:42 name: "\\'xyz"`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String(`\'xyz`), }, }, // Quoted string with UTF-8 bytes. { in: "count:42 name: '\303\277\302\201\xAB'", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("\303\277\302\201\xAB"), }, }, // Bad quoted string { in: `inner: < host: "\0" >` + "\n", err: `line 1.15: invalid quoted string "\0": \0 requires 2 following digits`, }, // Number too large for int64 { in: "count: 1 others { key: 123456789012345678901 }", err: "line 1.23: invalid int64: 123456789012345678901", }, // Number too large for int32 { in: "count: 1234567890123", err: "line 1.7: invalid int32: 1234567890123", }, // Number in hexadecimal { in: "count: 0x2beef", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(0x2beef), }, }, // Number in octal { in: "count: 024601", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(024601), }, }, // Floating point number with "f" suffix { in: "count: 4 others:< weight: 17.0f >", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(4), Others: []*OtherMessage{ { Weight: Float32(17), }, }, }, }, // Floating point positive infinity { in: "count: 4 bigfloat: inf", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(4), Bigfloat: Float64(math.Inf(1)), }, }, // Floating point negative infinity { in: "count: 4 bigfloat: -inf", out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(4), Bigfloat: Float64(math.Inf(-1)), }, }, // Number too large for float32 { in: "others:< weight: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 >", err: "line 1.17: invalid float32: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890", }, // Number posing as a quoted string { in: `inner: < host: 12 >` + "\n", err: `line 1.15: invalid string: 12`, }, // Quoted string posing as int32 { in: `count: "12"`, err: `line 1.7: invalid int32: "12"`, }, // Quoted string posing a float32 { in: `others:< weight: "17.4" >`, err: `line 1.17: invalid float32: "17.4"`, }, // Enum { in: `count:42 bikeshed: BLUE`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Bikeshed: MyMessage_BLUE.Enum(), }, }, // Repeated field { in: `count:42 pet: "horsey" pet:"bunny"`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Pet: []string{"horsey", "bunny"}, }, }, // Repeated field with list notation { in: `count:42 pet: ["horsey", "bunny"]`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Pet: []string{"horsey", "bunny"}, }, }, // Repeated message with/without colon and <>/{} { in: `count:42 others:{} others{} others:<> others:{}`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Others: []*OtherMessage{ {}, {}, {}, {}, }, }, }, // Missing colon for inner message { in: `count:42 inner < host: "cauchy.syd" >`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Inner: &InnerMessage{ Host: String("cauchy.syd"), }, }, }, // Missing colon for string field { in: `name "Dave"`, err: `line 1.5: expected ':', found "\"Dave\""`, }, // Missing colon for int32 field { in: `count 42`, err: `line 1.6: expected ':', found "42"`, }, // Missing required field { in: `name: "Pawel"`, err: `proto: required field "testdata.MyMessage.count" not set`, out: &MyMessage{ Name: String("Pawel"), }, }, // Missing required field in a required submessage { in: `count: 42 we_must_go_deeper < leo_finally_won_an_oscar <> >`, err: `proto: required field "testdata.InnerMessage.host" not set`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), WeMustGoDeeper: &RequiredInnerMessage{LeoFinallyWonAnOscar: &InnerMessage{}}, }, }, // Repeated non-repeated field { in: `name: "Rob" name: "Russ"`, err: `line 1.12: non-repeated field "name" was repeated`, }, // Group { in: `count: 17 SomeGroup { group_field: 12 }`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(17), Somegroup: &MyMessage_SomeGroup{ GroupField: Int32(12), }, }, }, // Semicolon between fields { in: `count:3;name:"Calvin"`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(3), Name: String("Calvin"), }, }, // Comma between fields { in: `count:4,name:"Ezekiel"`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(4), Name: String("Ezekiel"), }, }, // Extension buildExtStructTest(`count: 42 [testdata.Ext.more]:<data:"Hello, world!" >`), buildExtStructTest(`count: 42 [testdata.Ext.more] {data:"Hello, world!"}`), buildExtDataTest(`count: 42 [testdata.Ext.text]:"Hello, world!" [testdata.Ext.number]:1729`), buildExtRepStringTest(`count: 42 [testdata.greeting]:"bula" [testdata.greeting]:"hola"`), // Big all-in-one { in: "count:42 # Meaning\n" + `name:"Dave" ` + `quote:"\"I didn't want to go.\"" ` + `pet:"bunny" ` + `pet:"kitty" ` + `pet:"horsey" ` + `inner:<` + ` host:"footrest.syd" ` + ` port:7001 ` + ` connected:true ` + `> ` + `others:<` + ` key:3735928559 ` + ` value:"\x01A\a\f" ` + `> ` + `others:<` + " weight:58.9 # Atomic weight of Co\n" + ` inner:<` + ` host:"lesha.mtv" ` + ` port:8002 ` + ` >` + `>`, out: &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(42), Name: String("Dave"), Quote: String(`"I didn't want to go."`), Pet: []string{"bunny", "kitty", "horsey"}, Inner: &InnerMessage{ Host: String("footrest.syd"), Port: Int32(7001), Connected: Bool(true), }, Others: []*OtherMessage{ { Key: Int64(3735928559), Value: []byte{0x1, 'A', '\a', '\f'}, }, { Weight: Float32(58.9), Inner: &InnerMessage{ Host: String("lesha.mtv"), Port: Int32(8002), }, }, }, }, }, } func TestUnmarshalText(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range unMarshalTextTests { pb := new(MyMessage) err := UnmarshalText(test.in, pb) if test.err == "" { // We don't expect failure. if err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Unexpected error: %v", i, err) } else if !reflect.DeepEqual(pb, test.out) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Incorrect populated \nHave: %v\nWant: %v", i, pb, test.out) } } else { // We do expect failure. if err == nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Didn't get expected error: %v", i, test.err) } else if err.Error() != test.err { t.Errorf("Test %d: Incorrect error.\nHave: %v\nWant: %v", i, err.Error(), test.err) } else if _, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok && test.out != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(pb, test.out) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Incorrect populated \nHave: %v\nWant: %v", i, pb, test.out) } } } } func TestUnmarshalTextCustomMessage(t *testing.T) { msg := &textMessage{} if err := UnmarshalText("custom", msg); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error from custom unmarshal: %v", err) } if UnmarshalText("not custom", msg) == nil { t.Errorf("Didn't get expected error from custom unmarshal") } } // Regression test; this caused a panic. func TestRepeatedEnum(t *testing.T) { pb := new(RepeatedEnum) if err := UnmarshalText("color: RED", pb); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } exp := &RepeatedEnum{ Color: []RepeatedEnum_Color{RepeatedEnum_RED}, } if !Equal(pb, exp) { t.Errorf("Incorrect populated \nHave: %v\nWant: %v", pb, exp) } } func TestProto3TextParsing(t *testing.T) { m := new(proto3pb.Message) const in = `name: "Wallace" true_scotsman: true` want := &proto3pb.Message{ Name: "Wallace", TrueScotsman: true, } if err := UnmarshalText(in, m); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !Equal(m, want) { t.Errorf("\n got %v\nwant %v", m, want) } } func TestMapParsing(t *testing.T) { m := new(MessageWithMap) const in = `name_mapping:<key:1234 value:"Feist"> name_mapping:<key:1 value:"Beatles">` + `msg_mapping:<key:-4, value:<f: 2.0>,>` + // separating commas are okay `msg_mapping<key:-2 value<f: 4.0>>` + // no colon after "value" `msg_mapping:<value:<f: 5.0>>` + // omitted key `msg_mapping:<key:1>` + // omitted value `byte_mapping:<key:true value:"so be it">` + `byte_mapping:<>` // omitted key and value want := &MessageWithMap{ NameMapping: map[int32]string{ 1: "Beatles", 1234: "Feist", }, MsgMapping: map[int64]*FloatingPoint{ -4: {F: Float64(2.0)}, -2: {F: Float64(4.0)}, 0: {F: Float64(5.0)}, 1: nil, }, ByteMapping: map[bool][]byte{ false: nil, true: []byte("so be it"), }, } if err := UnmarshalText(in, m); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !Equal(m, want) { t.Errorf("\n got %v\nwant %v", m, want) } } func TestOneofParsing(t *testing.T) { const in = `name:"Shrek"` m := new(Communique) want := &Communique{Union: &Communique_Name{"Shrek"}} if err := UnmarshalText(in, m); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !Equal(m, want) { t.Errorf("\n got %v\nwant %v", m, want) } } var benchInput string func init() { benchInput = "count: 4\n" for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { benchInput += "pet: \"fido\"\n" } // Check it is valid input. pb := new(MyMessage) err := UnmarshalText(benchInput, pb) if err != nil { panic("Bad benchmark input: " + err.Error()) } } func BenchmarkUnmarshalText(b *testing.B) { pb := new(MyMessage) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { UnmarshalText(benchInput, pb) } b.SetBytes(int64(len(benchInput))) }