# Authentication through Gitea ## Overview One of the login options for dex uses the Gitea OAuth2 flow to identify the end user through their Gitea account. When a client redeems a refresh token through dex, dex will re-query Gitea to update user information in the ID Token. To do this, __dex stores a readonly Gitea access token in its backing datastore.__ Users that reject dex's access through Gitea will also revoke all dex clients which authenticated them through Gitea. ## Configuration Register a new OAuth consumer with [Gitea](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/oauth2-provider/) ensuring the callback URL is `(dex issuer)/callback`. For example if dex is listening at the non-root path `https://auth.example.com/dex` the callback would be `https://auth.example.com/dex/callback`. The following is an example of a configuration for `examples/config-dev.yaml`: ```yaml connectors: - type: gitea # Required field for connector id. id: gitea # Required field for connector name. name: Gitea config: # Credentials can be string literals or pulled from the environment. clientID: $GITEA_CLIENT_ID clientSecret: $GITEA_CLIENT_SECRET redirectURI: # optional, default = https://gitea.com baseURL: https://gitea.com ```