
set -e

VERSION=$( go version )

# For development versions of Go, these will be empty.
MAJOR_GOVERSION=$( echo -n "$VERSION" | grep -o 'go1\.[0-9]*' || true )
FULL_GOVERSION=$( echo -n "$VERSION" | grep -o 'go1\.[0-9|\.]*' || true )

# The list of unsupported major go versions.
UNSUPPORTED=( "go1.0" "go1.1" "go1.2" "go1.3" "go1.4" "go1.5" "go1.6" "go1.7" )

# Minor go versions which have known security vulnerabilities. Refuse to build with these.
# There aren't any security issues that impact dex in current Go versions but minor versions
# should be added here later if they do have issues.

for V in "${UNSUPPORTED[@]}"; do
    if [ "$V" = "$MAJOR_GOVERSION" ]; then
        >&2 echo "ERROR: dex requires Go version 1.8+. Please update your Go installation: https://golang.org/dl/"
        exit 2

for V in "${KNOWN_INSECURE[@]}"; do
    if [ "$V" = "$FULL_GOVERSION" ]; then
        >&2 echo "Go version ${V} has known security vulnerabilities which impact dex. Please update your Go version."
        exit 2