// Code generated by entc, DO NOT EDIT.

package db

import (


// OfflineSession is the model entity for the OfflineSession schema.
type OfflineSession struct {
	config `json:"-"`
	// ID of the ent.
	ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// UserID holds the value of the "user_id" field.
	UserID string `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
	// ConnID holds the value of the "conn_id" field.
	ConnID string `json:"conn_id,omitempty"`
	// Refresh holds the value of the "refresh" field.
	Refresh []byte `json:"refresh,omitempty"`
	// ConnectorData holds the value of the "connector_data" field.
	ConnectorData *[]byte `json:"connector_data,omitempty"`

// scanValues returns the types for scanning values from sql.Rows.
func (*OfflineSession) scanValues(columns []string) ([]interface{}, error) {
	values := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
	for i := range columns {
		switch columns[i] {
		case offlinesession.FieldRefresh, offlinesession.FieldConnectorData:
			values[i] = new([]byte)
		case offlinesession.FieldID, offlinesession.FieldUserID, offlinesession.FieldConnID:
			values[i] = new(sql.NullString)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected column %q for type OfflineSession", columns[i])
	return values, nil

// assignValues assigns the values that were returned from sql.Rows (after scanning)
// to the OfflineSession fields.
func (os *OfflineSession) assignValues(columns []string, values []interface{}) error {
	if m, n := len(values), len(columns); m < n {
		return fmt.Errorf("mismatch number of scan values: %d != %d", m, n)
	for i := range columns {
		switch columns[i] {
		case offlinesession.FieldID:
			if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field id", values[i])
			} else if value.Valid {
				os.ID = value.String
		case offlinesession.FieldUserID:
			if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field user_id", values[i])
			} else if value.Valid {
				os.UserID = value.String
		case offlinesession.FieldConnID:
			if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field conn_id", values[i])
			} else if value.Valid {
				os.ConnID = value.String
		case offlinesession.FieldRefresh:
			if value, ok := values[i].(*[]byte); !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field refresh", values[i])
			} else if value != nil {
				os.Refresh = *value
		case offlinesession.FieldConnectorData:
			if value, ok := values[i].(*[]byte); !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field connector_data", values[i])
			} else if value != nil {
				os.ConnectorData = value
	return nil

// Update returns a builder for updating this OfflineSession.
// Note that you need to call OfflineSession.Unwrap() before calling this method if this OfflineSession
// was returned from a transaction, and the transaction was committed or rolled back.
func (os *OfflineSession) Update() *OfflineSessionUpdateOne {
	return (&OfflineSessionClient{config: os.config}).UpdateOne(os)

// Unwrap unwraps the OfflineSession entity that was returned from a transaction after it was closed,
// so that all future queries will be executed through the driver which created the transaction.
func (os *OfflineSession) Unwrap() *OfflineSession {
	tx, ok := os.config.driver.(*txDriver)
	if !ok {
		panic("db: OfflineSession is not a transactional entity")
	os.config.driver = tx.drv
	return os

// String implements the fmt.Stringer.
func (os *OfflineSession) String() string {
	var builder strings.Builder
	builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("id=%v", os.ID))
	builder.WriteString(", user_id=")
	builder.WriteString(", conn_id=")
	builder.WriteString(", refresh=")
	builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", os.Refresh))
	if v := os.ConnectorData; v != nil {
		builder.WriteString(", connector_data=")
		builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", *v))
	return builder.String()

// OfflineSessions is a parsable slice of OfflineSession.
type OfflineSessions []*OfflineSession

func (os OfflineSessions) config(cfg config) {
	for _i := range os {
		os[_i].config = cfg