# Kubernetes authentication through dex ## Overview This document covers setting up the [Kubernetes OpenID Connect token authenticator plugin][k8s-oidc] with dex. Token responses from OpenID Connect providers include a signed JWT called an ID Token. ID Tokens contain names, emails, unique identifiers, and in dex's case, a set of groups that can be used to identify the user. OpenID Connect providers, like dex, publish public keys; the Kubernetes API server understands how to use these to verify ID Tokens. The authentication flow looks like: 1. OAuth2 client logs a user in through dex. 2. That client uses the returned ID Token as a bearer token when talking to the Kubernetes API. 3. Kubernetes uses dex's public keys to verify the ID Token. 4. A claim designated as the username (and optionally group information) will be associated with that request. Username and group information can be combined with Kubernetes [authorization plugins][k8s-authz], such as roles based access control (RBAC), to enforce policy. ## Configuring the OpenID Connect plugin Configuring the API server to use the OpenID Connect [authentication plugin][k8s-oidc] requires: * Deploying an API server with specific flags. * Dex is running on HTTPS. * Custom CA files must be accessible by the API server (likely through volume mounts). * Dex is accessible to both your browser and the Kubernetes API server. Use the following flags to point your API server(s) at dex. `dex.example.com` should be replaced by whatever DNS name or IP address dex is running under. ``` --oidc-issuer-url=https://dex.example.com:32000 --oidc-client-id=example-app --oidc-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/openid-ca.pem --oidc-username-claim=email --oidc-groups-claim=groups ``` Additional notes: * The API server configured with OpenID Connect flags doesn't require dex to be available upfront. * Other authenticators, such as client certs, can still be used. * Dex doesn't need to be running when you start your API server. * Kubernetes only trusts ID Tokens issued to a single client. * As a work around dex allows clients to [trust other clients][trusted-peers] to mint tokens on their behalf. * If a claim other than "email" is used for username, for example "sub", it will be prefixed by `"(value of --oidc-issuer-url)#"`. This is to namespace user controlled claims which may be used for privilege escalation. ## Deploying dex on Kubernetes The dex repo contains scripts for running dex on a Kubernetes cluster with authentication through GitHub. The dex service is exposed using a [node port][node-port] on port 32000. This likely requires a custom `/etc/hosts` entry pointed at one of the cluster's workers. There are many different ways to spin up a Kubernetes development cluster, each with different host requirements and support for API server reconfiguration. At this time, this guide does not have copy-pastable examples, but can recommend the following methods for spinning up a cluster: * [coreos-kubernetes][coreos-kubernetes] repo for vagrant and VirtualBox users. * [coreos-baremetal][coreos-baremetal] repo for Linux QEMU/KVM users. To run dex on Kubernetes perform the following steps: 1. Generate TLS assets for dex. 2. Spin up a Kubernetes cluster with the appropriate flags and CA volume mount. 3. Create a secret containing your [GitHub OAuth2 client credentials][github-oauth2]. 4. Deploy dex. The TLS assets can be created using the following command: ``` $ cd examles/k8s $ ./gencert.sh ``` The created `ssl/ca.pem` must then be mounted into your API server deployment. Once the cluster is up and correctly configured, use kubectl to add the serving certs as secrets. ``` $ kubectl create secret tls dex.example.com.tls --cert=ssl/cert.pem --key=ssl/key.pem ``` Then create a secret for the GitHub OAuth2 client. ``` $ kubectl create secret \ generic github-client \ --from-literal=client-id=$GITHUB_CLIENT_ID \ --from-literal=client-secret=$GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET ``` Finally, create the dex deployment, configmap, and node port service. ``` $ kubectl create -f dex.yaml ``` __Caveats:__ No health checking is configured because dex does its own TLS termination complicating the setup. This is a known issue and can be tracked [here][dex-healthz]. ## Logging into the cluster The example app can be used to log into the cluster. Choose the GitHub option and grant access to dex to view your profile. ``` $ ./bin/example-app --issuer https://dex.example.com:32000 --issuer-root-ca examples/k8s/ssl/ca.pem ``` The printed ID Token can then be used as a bearer token to authenticate against the API server. ``` $ token='(id token)' $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -k https://( API server host ):443/api/v1/nodes ``` [k8s-authz]: http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authorization/ [k8s-oidc]: http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authentication/#openid-connect-tokens [trusted-peers]: https://godoc.org/github.com/coreos/dex/storage#Client [coreos-kubernetes]: https://github.com/coreos/coreos-kubernetes/ [coreos-baremetal]: https://github.com/coreos/coreos-baremetal/ [dex-healthz]: https://github.com/coreos/dex/issues/682 [github-oauth2]: https://github.com/settings/applications/new [node-port]: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#type-nodeport [coreos-kubernetes]: https://github.com/coreos/coreos-kubernetes [coreos-baremetal]: https://github.com/coreos/coreos-baremetal