# Storage options Dex requires persisting state to perform various tasks such as track refresh tokens, preventing replays, and rotating keys. This document is a summary of the storage configurations supported by dex. Storage breaches are serious as they can affect applications that rely on dex. Dex saves sensitive data in its backing storage, including signing keys and bcrypt'd passwords. As such, transport security and database ACLs should both be used, no matter which storage option is chosen. ## Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) __NOTE:__ CRDs are only supported by Kubernetes version 1.7+. Kubernetes [custom resource definitions](crd) are a way for applications to create new resources types in the Kubernetes API. The Custom Resource Definition (CRD) API object was introduced in Kubernetes version 1.7 to replace the Third Party Resource (TPR) extension. CRDs allows dex to run on top of an existing Kubernetes cluster without the need for an external database. While this storage may not be appropriate for a large number of users, it's extremely effective for many Kubernetes use cases. The rest of this section will explore internal details of how dex uses CRDs. __Admins should not interact with these resources directly__, except while debugging. These resources are only designed to store state and aren't meant to be consumed by end users. For modifying dex's state dynamically see the [API documentation](api.md). The following is an example of the AuthCode resource managed by dex: ``` apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: creationTimestamp: 2017-09-13T19:56:28Z name: authcodes.dex.coreos.com resourceVersion: "288893" selfLink: /apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/customresourcedefinitions/authcodes.dex.coreos.com uid: a1cb72dc-98bd-11e7-8f6a-02d13336a01e spec: group: dex.coreos.com names: kind: AuthCode listKind: AuthCodeList plural: authcodes singular: authcode scope: Namespaced version: v1 status: acceptedNames: kind: AuthCode listKind: AuthCodeList plural: authcodes singular: authcode conditions: - lastTransitionTime: null message: no conflicts found reason: NoConflicts status: "True" type: NamesAccepted - lastTransitionTime: 2017-09-13T19:56:28Z message: the initial names have been accepted reason: InitialNamesAccepted status: "True" type: Established ``` Once the `CustomResourceDefinition` is created, custom resources can be created and stored at a namespace level. The CRD type and the custom resources can be queried, deleted, and edited like any other resource using `kubectl`. ## Kubernetes third party resources(TPRs) __NOTE:__ TPRs will be deprecated by Kubernetes version 1.8. The default behavior of dex from release v2.7.0 onwards is to utitlize CRDs to manage its custom resources. If users would like to use dex with a Kubernetes version lower than 1.7, they will have to force dex to use TPRs instead of CRDs by setting the `UseTPR` flag in the storage configuration as shown below: ``` storage: type: kubernetes config: kubeConfigFile: kubeconfig useTPR: true ``` The `ThirdPartyResource` type acts as a description for the new resource a user wishes to create. The following an example of a resource managed by dex: ``` kind: ThirdPartyResource apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 metadata: name: o-auth2-client.oidc.coreos.com versions: - name: v1 description: "An OAuth2 client." ``` Once the `ThirdPartyResource` is created, custom resources can be created at a namespace level (though there will be a gap between the `ThirdPartyResource` being created and the API server accepting the custom resource). While most fields are user defined, the API server still respects the common `ObjectMeta` and `TypeMeta` values. For example names are still restricted to a small set of characters, and the `resourceVersion` field can be used for an [atomic compare and swap][k8s-api]. The following is an example of a custom `OAuth2Client` resource: ``` # Standard Kubernetes resource fields kind: OAuth2Client apiVersion: oidc.coreos.com/v1 metadata: namespace: foobar name: ( opaque hash ) # Custom fields defined by dex. clientID: "aclientid" clientSecret: "clientsecret" redirectURIs: - "https://app.example.com/callback" ``` The `ThirdPartyResource` type and the custom resources can be queried, deleted, and edited like any other resource using `kubectl`. ``` kubectl get thirdpartyresources # list third party resources registered on the clusters kubectl get --namespace=foobar oauth2clients # list oauth2 clients in a given namespace ``` To reduce administrative overhead, dex creates and manages its own third party resources and may create new ones during upgrades. While not strictly required we feel this is important for reasonable updates. Though, as a result, dex requires access to the non-namespaced `ThirdPartyResource` type. For example, clusters using RBAC authorization would need to create the following roles and bindings: ``` kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1alpha1 metadata: name: dex rules: - apiGroups: ["oidc.coreos.com"] # API group created by dex resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] nonResourceURLs: [] - apiGroups: ["extensions"] resources: ["thirdpartyresources"] verbs: ["create"] # To manage its own resources identity must be able to create thirdpartyresources. nonResourceURLs: [] --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1alpha1 metadata: name: dex subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: dex # Service account assigned to the dex pod. namespace: demo-namespace # The namespace dex is running in. roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: identity apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1alpha1 ``` The storage configuration is extremely limited since installations running outside a Kubernetes cluster would likely prefer a different storage option. An example configuration for dex running inside Kubernetes: ``` storage: type: kubernetes config: inCluster: true ``` Dex determines the namespace it's running in by parsing the service account token automatically mounted into its pod. ## SQL Dex supports two flavors of SQL, SQLite3 and Postgres. MySQL and CockroachDB may be added at a later time. Migrations are performed automatically on the first connection to the SQL server (it does not support rolling back). Because of this dex requires privileges to add and alter the tables for its database. __NOTE:__ Previous versions of dex required symmetric keys to encrypt certain values before sending them to the database. This feature has not yet been ported to dex v2. If it is added later there may not be a migration path for current v2 users. ### SQLite3 SQLite3 is the recommended storage for users who want to stand up dex quickly. It is __not__ appropriate for real workloads. The SQLite3 configuration takes a single argument, the database file. ``` storage: type: sqlite3 config: file: /var/dex/dex.db ``` Because SQLite3 uses file locks to prevent race conditions, if the ":memory:" value is provided dex will automatically disable support for concurrent database queries. ### Postgres When using Postgres, admins may want to dedicate a database to dex for the following reasons: 1. Dex requires privileged access to its database because it performs migrations. 2. Dex's database table names are not configurable; when shared with other applications there may be table name clashes. ``` CREATE DATABASE dex_db; CREATE USER dex WITH PASSWORD '66964843358242dbaaa7778d8477c288'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dex_db TO dex; ``` An example config for Postgres setup using these values: ``` storage: type: postgres config: database: dex_db user: dex password: 66964843358242dbaaa7778d8477c288 ssl: mode: verify-ca caFile: /etc/dex/postgres.ca ``` The SSL "mode" corresponds to the `github.com/lib/pq` package [connection options][psql-conn-options]. If unspecified, dex defaults to the strictest mode "verify-full". ## Adding a new storage options Each storage implementation bears a large ongoing maintenance cost and needs to be updated every time a feature requires storing a new type. Bugs often require in depth knowledge of the backing software, and much of this work will be done by developers who are not the original author. Changes to dex which add new storage implementations are not merged lightly. ### New storage option references Those who still want to construct a proposal for a new storage should review the following packages: * `github.com/coreos/dex/storage`: Interface definitions which the storage must implement. __NOTE:__ This package is not stable. * `github.com/coreos/dex/storage/conformance`: Conformance tests which storage implementations must pass. ### New storage option requirements Any proposal to add a new implementation must address the following: * Integration testing setups (Travis and developer workstations). * Transactional requirements: atomic deletes, updates, etc. * Is there an established and reasonable Go client? [issues-transaction-tests]: https://github.com/coreos/dex/issues/600 [k8s-api]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#concurrency-control-and-consistency [psql-conn-options]: https://godoc.org/github.com/lib/pq#hdr-Connection_String_Parameters [crd]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/extend-api-custom-resource-definitions/