#!/usr/bin/python3 import aiohttp import asyncio import cv2 import io import numpy as np import os import socket import sys from datetime import datetime from kubernetes import client, config from math import ceil from prometheus_client import Counter, Gauge from sanic import Sanic, response from sanic.response import stream from sanic_prometheus import monitor targets = [(j,j) for j in sys.argv[1:]] if not targets: # If no targets are specified, fall back to Kube API config.load_incluster_config() v1 = client.CoreV1Api() for i in v1.list_namespaced_service("camtiler", label_selector="component=camdetect").items: url = "http://%s:%d/bypass" % (i.metadata.name, i.spec.ports[0].port) targets.append((i.metadata.name, url)) print("Running with following targets:") for name, url in targets: print(url) counter_dropped_bytes = Counter( "camtiler_client_dropped_bytes", "Bytes that were not not handled or part of actual JPEG frames") counter_rx_bytes = Counter( "camtiler_client_rx_bytes", "Bytes received over HTTP stream") counter_tx_bytes = Counter( "camtiler_client_tx_bytes", "Bytes transmitted over HTTP streams") counter_rx_frames = Counter( "camtiler_client_rx_frames", "Frames received") counter_tx_frames = Counter( "camtiler_client_tx_frames", "Frames transmitted") counter_tx_events = Counter( "camtiler_client_tx_events", "Events emitted") counter_eos = Counter( "camtiler_client_eos", "Count of End of Stream occurrences") counter_timeout_errors = Counter( "camtiler_client_timeout_errors", "Upstream connection timeout errors") counter_cancelled_errors = Counter( "camtiler_client_cancelled_errors", "Upstream connection cancelled errors") counter_incomplete_read_errors = Counter( "camtiler_client_incomplete_read_errors", "Upstream incomplete read errors") app = Sanic("camtiler") STREAM_RESPONSE = \ b""" --frame Content-Type: image/jpeg """ MERGED_SUBSAMPLE=3 # Consider camera gone after 5sec TIMEOUT = 5.0 # Blank frame BLANK = np.full((720 // MERGED_SUBSAMPLE, 1280 // MERGED_SUBSAMPLE, 3), 0) def tilera(iterable, filler): hstacking = ceil(len(iterable) ** 0.5) vstacking = ceil(len(iterable) / hstacking) rows = [] for j in range(0, vstacking): row = [] first_frame = True for i in range(0, hstacking): try: frame = iterable[i + hstacking * j] except IndexError: frame = filler if not first_frame: row.append(np.full((len(frame), 1, 3), 0)) first_frame = False row.append(frame) stacked = np.hstack(row) rows.append(stacked) return np.vstack(rows) async def client_connect(name, resp): buf = b"" print("Upstream connection opened with status:", resp.status) async for data, end_of_http_chunk in resp.content.iter_chunks(): counter_rx_bytes.inc(len(data)) if end_of_http_chunk: counter_eos.inc() break if buf: # seek end marker = data.find(b'\xff\xd9') if marker < 0: buf += data continue else: blob = np.frombuffer(buf + data[:marker+2], dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(blob, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) app.ctx.frames[name] = img data = data[marker+2:] buf = b"" counter_rx_frames.inc() # seek begin marker = data.find(b'\xff\xd8') if marker >= 0: buf = data[marker:] else: counter_dropped_bytes.inc(len(data)) async def client(name, url): print("Opening upstream connection to %s" % url) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as resp: try: await client_connect(name, resp) except asyncio.TimeoutError: counter_timeout_errors.inc() except asyncio.CancelledError: counter_cancelled_errors.inc() except asyncio.IncompleteReadError: counter_incomplete_read_errors.inc() @app.route("/tiled") async def stream_wrapper(request): async def stream_tiled(response): while True: frames = [value for key, value in sorted(app.ctx.frames.items())] img = tilera(frames, np.vstack([BLANK, np.zeros((30, 1280 // MERGED_SUBSAMPLE, 3))])) _, jpeg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", img, (cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 80)) data = STREAM_RESPONSE + jpeg.tobytes() await response.write(data) counter_tx_bytes.inc(len(data)) counter_tx_frames.inc() await asyncio.sleep(0.2) return response.stream( stream_tiled, content_type='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame' ) @app.listener('before_server_start') async def setup_db(app, loop): app.ctx.last_frame = None app.ctx.event_frame = asyncio.Event() app.ctx.frames = {} app.ctx.avg = None app.ctx.motion_frames = 0 app.ctx.motion_start = None app.ctx.motion_end = None for name, url in targets: app.ctx.frames[name] = None task = asyncio.create_task(client(name, url)) monitor(app).expose_endpoint() try: app.run(port=5001) except KeyboardInterrupt: asyncio.get_event_loop().close()