#!/usr/bin/env python3 import aioboto3 import aiohttp import asyncio import cv2 import hashlib import io import json import numpy as np import os import pymongo import signal import sys import botocore.exceptions from datetime import datetime, timedelta from jpeg2dct.numpy import loads from math import inf from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient from prometheus_client import Counter, Gauge, Histogram from pymongo import ReturnDocument from sanic import Sanic, response from sanic_json_logging import setup_json_logging from sanic.log import logger from sanic_prometheus import monitor from sanic.response import stream from time import time from urllib.parse import urlparse _, target = sys.argv # Override basic auth password from env var basic_auth_password = os.getenv("BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD") if basic_auth_password: o = urlparse(target) netloc = o.netloc username = "" if "@" in netloc: username, netloc = o.netloc.split("@", 1) if ":" in username: username, _ = username.split(":") target = o._replace(netloc="%s:%s@%s" % (username, basic_auth_password, netloc)).geturl() AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] S3_ENDPOINT_URL = os.environ["S3_ENDPOINT_URL"] S3_BUCKET_NAME = os.getenv("S3_BUCKET_NAME", "camdetect") MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI", "mongodb://") MONGO_COLLECTION = os.getenv("MONGO_COLLECTION", "eventlog") SOURCE_NAME = os.environ["SOURCE_NAME"] SLIDE_WINDOW = 4 DCT_BLOCK_SIZE = 8 UPLOAD_FRAMESKIP = 3 CLOCK_SKEW_TOLERANCE = timedelta(seconds=3) # Percentage of blocks active to consider movement in whole frame THRESHOLD_RATIO = int(os.getenv("THRESHOLD_RATIO", "5")) # Days to keep events TTL_DAYS = int(os.getenv("TTL_DAYS", "3")) CHUNK_BOUNDARY = b"\n--frame\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\n\n" hist_active_blocks_ratio = Histogram( "camtiler_active_blocks_ratio", "Ratio of active DCT blocks", ["roi"], buckets=(0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, inf)) hist_processing_latency = Histogram( "camtiler_frame_processing_latency_seconds", "Frame processing latency", buckets=(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, inf)) hist_upload_latency = Histogram( "camtiler_frame_upload_latency_seconds", "Frame processing latency", buckets=(0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, inf)) counter_events = Counter( "camtiler_events", "Count of successfully processed events") counter_frames = Counter( "camtiler_frames", "Count of frames", ["stage"]) counter_dropped_frames = Counter( "camtiler_dropped_frames", "Frames that were dropped due to one of queues being full", ["stage"]) counter_discarded_bytes = Counter( "camtiler_discarded_bytes", "Bytes that were not not handled or part of actual JPEG frames") counter_receive_bytes = Counter( "counter_receive_bytes", "Bytes received over HTTP stream") counter_transmit_bytes = Counter( "camtiler_transmit_bytes", "Bytes transmitted over HTTP streams") counter_receive_frames = Counter( "camtiler_receive_frames", "Frames received from upstream") counter_transmit_frames = Counter( "camtiler_transmit_frames", "Frames transmitted to downstream consumers") counter_emitted_events = Counter( "camtiler_emitted_events", "Events emitted") counter_receive_chunks = Counter( "camtiler_receive_chunks", "HTTP chunks received") counter_errors = Counter( "camtiler_errors", "Upstream connection errors", ["stage", "exception"]) gauge_last_frame = Gauge( "camtiler_last_frame_timestamp_seconds", "Timestamp of last frame", ["stage"]) gauge_queue_frames = Gauge( "camtiler_queue_frames", "Numer of frames in a queue", ["stage"]) gauge_build_info = Gauge( "docker_build_info", "Build info", ["git_commit", "git_commit_timestamp"]) gauge_build_info.labels( os.getenv("GIT_COMMIT", "null"), os.getenv("GIT_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP", "null")).set(1) # Reset some gauges gauge_queue_frames.labels("download").set(0) gauge_queue_frames.labels("hold").set(0) gauge_queue_frames.labels("upload").set(0) counter_frames.labels("motion").inc(0) counter_frames.labels("downloaded").inc(0) assert SLIDE_WINDOW <= 8 # This is 256 frames which should be enough async def upload(bucket, blob: bytes, thumb: bytes, event_id): """ Upload single frame to S3 bucket """ # Generate S3 path based on the JPEG blob SHA512 digest fp = hashlib.sha512(blob).hexdigest() path = "%s/%s.jpg" % (fp[:4], fp[4:]) try: await bucket.upload_fileobj(io.BytesIO(thumb), "thumb/%s" % path) await bucket.upload_fileobj(io.BytesIO(blob), path) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: j = "%s.%s" % (e.__class__.__module__, e.__class__.__name__) counter_errors.labels("upload", j).inc() # Add screenshot path to the event app.ctx.coll.update_one({ "_id": event_id }, { "$addToSet": { "screenshots": path, } }) counter_frames.labels("stored").inc() now = datetime.utcnow() gauge_last_frame.labels("upload").set(now.timestamp()) # TODO: Handle 16MB maximum document size async def uploader(queue): """ Uploader task grabs JPEG blobs from upload queue and uploads them to S3 """ session = aioboto3.Session() async with session.resource("s3", aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, endpoint_url=S3_ENDPOINT_URL) as s3: bucket = await s3.Bucket(S3_BUCKET_NAME) while True: dt, blob, thumb, event_id = await queue.get() gauge_queue_frames.labels("upload").set(queue.qsize()) await upload(bucket, blob, thumb, event_id) counter_frames.labels("uploaded").inc() hist_upload_latency.observe( (datetime.utcnow() - dt).total_seconds()) class ReferenceFrame(): """ ReferenceFrame keeps last 2 ^ size frames to infer the background scene compared to which motion is detected This is pretty much what background subtractor does in OpenCV, only difference is that we want have better performance instead of accuracy """ class NotEnoughFrames(Exception): pass def __init__(self, size=SLIDE_WINDOW): self.y = [] self.cumulative = None self.size = size def put(self, y): if self.cumulative is None: self.cumulative = np.copy(y) else: self.cumulative += y self.y.append(y) if len(self.y) > 2 ** self.size: self.cumulative -= self.y[0] self.y = self.y[1:] def get(self): if len(self.y) == 2 ** self.size: return self.cumulative >> SLIDE_WINDOW else: raise self.NotEnoughFrames() async def motion_detector(reference_frame, download_queue, upload_queue): """ Motion detector grabs JPEG blobs and Y channel coefficients from download queue, performs motion detection and pushes relevant JPEG blobs to upload queue going to S3 """ event_id = None differing_blocks = [] uploads_skipped = 0 # Hold queue keeps frames that we have before motion event start timestamp hold_queue = asyncio.Queue(2 ** SLIDE_WINDOW) while True: dt, blob, dct, thumb = await download_queue.get() gauge_queue_frames.labels("download").set(download_queue.qsize()) app.ctx.last_frame, app.ctx.dct = blob, dct # Signal /bypass and /debug handlers about new frame app.ctx.event_frame.set() app.ctx.event_frame.clear() # Separate most significant luma value for each DCT (8x8 pixel) block y = np.int16(dct[0][:, :, 0]) reference_frame.put(y) try: app.ctx.mask = cv2.inRange(cv2.absdiff(y, reference_frame.get()), 50, 65535) except ReferenceFrame.NotEnoughFrames: app.ctx.mask = None motion_detected = False else: # Implement dumb Kalman filter active_blocks = np.count_nonzero(app.ctx.mask) differing_blocks.append(active_blocks) differing_blocks[:] = differing_blocks[-10:] total_blocks = app.ctx.mask.shape[0] * app.ctx.mask.shape[1] threshold_blocks = THRESHOLD_RATIO * total_blocks / 100 average_blocks = sum(differing_blocks) / len(differing_blocks) hist_active_blocks_ratio.labels("main").observe(active_blocks / total_blocks) motion_detected = average_blocks > threshold_blocks now = datetime.utcnow() gauge_last_frame.labels("processed").set(now.timestamp()) hist_processing_latency.observe((now - dt).total_seconds()) # Propagate SIGUSR1 signal handler if app.ctx.manual_trigger: logger.info("Manually triggering event via SIGUSR1") motion_detected = True app.ctx.manual_trigger = False # Handle event start if motion_detected and not event_id: result = await app.ctx.coll.find_one_and_update({ "@timestamp": { "$lte": dt + CLOCK_SKEW_TOLERANCE, "$gte": dt - CLOCK_SKEW_TOLERANCE, }, "source": SOURCE_NAME, }, { "$setOnInsert": { "@timestamp": dt, "source": SOURCE_NAME, "event": "motion-detected", "started": dt, "finished": dt + timedelta(minutes=2), "component": "camdetect", "screenshots": [], "action": "event", } }, upsert=True, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) app.ctx.event_id = event_id = result["_id"] # Handle buffering frames prior event start if hold_queue.full(): await hold_queue.get() hold_queue.put_nowait((blob, thumb)) gauge_queue_frames.labels("hold").set(hold_queue.qsize()) # Handle image upload if motion_detected and event_id: counter_frames.labels("motion").inc() while True: if not uploads_skipped: uploads_skipped = UPLOAD_FRAMESKIP else: uploads_skipped -= 1 continue # Drain queue of frames prior event start try: blob, thumb = hold_queue.get_nowait() except asyncio.QueueEmpty: break try: # Push JPEG blob into upload queue upload_queue.put_nowait((dt, blob, thumb, event_id)) except asyncio.QueueFull: counter_dropped_frames.labels("upload").inc() gauge_queue_frames.labels("upload").set(upload_queue.qsize()) # Handle event end if not motion_detected and event_id: app.ctx.coll.update_one({ "_id": event_id }, { "$set": { "finished": dt, } }) app.ctx.event_id = event_id = None counter_events.inc() def generate_thumbnail(dct): """ This is highly efficient and highly inaccurate function to generate thumbnail based purely on JPEG coefficients """ y, cr, cb = dct # Determine aspect ratio and minimum dimension for cropping ar = y.shape[0] < y.shape[1] dm = (y.shape[0] if ar else y.shape[1]) & 0xfffffff8 # Determine cropping slices to make it square jl = ((y.shape[1] >> 1) - (dm >> 1) if ar else 0) jt = (0 if ar else (y.shape[0] >> 1) - (dm >> 1)) jr = jl + dm jb = jt + dm # Do the actual crop ty = y[jt:jb, jl:jr, 0] tb = cb[jt >> 1:jb >> 1, jl >> 1:jr >> 1, 0] tr = cr[jt >> 1:jb >> 1, jl >> 1:jr >> 1, 0] # Upsample chroma, dummy convert first coeff and stack all channels m = np.dstack(( np.array((ty >> 3) + 127, dtype=np.uint8), np.array( (tb.repeat(2, 1).repeat(2, 0) >> 3) + 127, dtype=np.uint8)[:dm], np.array( (tr.repeat(2, 1).repeat(2, 0) >> 3) + 127, dtype=np.uint8)[:dm])) _, jpeg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", cv2.cvtColor(m, cv2.COLOR_YCrCb2BGR), (cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 80)) return jpeg async def download(resp, queue): """ This coroutine iterates over HTTP connection chunks assembling the original JPEG blobs and decodes the DCT coefficients of the frames """ buf = b"" logger.info("Upstream connection opened with status: %d", resp.status) async for data, end_of_http_chunk in resp.content.iter_chunks(): counter_receive_bytes.inc(len(data)) if end_of_http_chunk: counter_receive_chunks.inc() if buf: # seek end marker = data.find(b"\xff\xd9") if marker < 0: buf += data continue else: # Assemble JPEG blob blob = buf + data[:marker + 2] # Parse DCT coefficients try: dct = loads(blob) except RuntimeError: counter_frames.labels("corrupted").inc() else: now = datetime.utcnow() gauge_last_frame.labels("download").set(now.timestamp()) try: queue.put_nowait(( now, blob, dct, generate_thumbnail(dct))) except asyncio.QueueFull: counter_dropped_frames.labels("download").inc() else: counter_frames.labels("downloaded").inc() gauge_queue_frames.labels("download").set(queue.qsize()) data = data[marker + 2:] buf = b"" counter_receive_frames.inc() # seek begin marker = data.rfind(b"\xff\xd8") if marker >= 0: buf = data[marker:] else: counter_discarded_bytes.inc(len(data)) async def downloader(queue: asyncio.Queue): """ Downloader task connects to MJPEG source and pushes the JPEG frames to download queue """ while True: to = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(connect=5, sock_read=2) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=to) as session: logger.info("Opening connection to %s", target) try: async with session.get(target) as resp: await download(resp, queue) except (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError) as e: j = "%s.%s" % (e.__class__.__module__, e.__class__.__name__) logger.info("Caught exception %s", j) counter_errors.labels("download", j).inc() await asyncio.sleep(1) app = Sanic("camdetect") setup_json_logging(app) @app.route("/bypass") async def bypass_stream_wrapper(request): # Desired frame interval, by default 500ms interval = float(request.args.get("interval", 500)) / 1000.0 async def stream_camera(response): ts = 0 while True: while True: await app.ctx.event_frame.wait() if time() > ts + interval: break ts = time() data = CHUNK_BOUNDARY + app.ctx.last_frame await response.write(data) counter_transmit_bytes.inc(len(data)) counter_transmit_frames.inc() return response.stream( stream_camera, content_type="multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame") @app.route("/debug") async def stream_wrapper(request): async def stream_camera(response): while True: await app.ctx.event_frame.wait() # Parse JPEG blob arr = np.frombuffer(app.ctx.last_frame, dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(arr, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # Highlight green or red channel depending on whether # motion event is in progress or not channel = 2 if app.ctx.event_id else 1 if app.ctx.mask is not None: for y in range(0, app.ctx.mask.shape[0]): for x in range(0, app.ctx.mask.shape[1]): if app.ctx.mask[y][x] > 0: img[y * DCT_BLOCK_SIZE:(y + 1) * DCT_BLOCK_SIZE, x * DCT_BLOCK_SIZE:(x + 1) * DCT_BLOCK_SIZE, channel] = 255 # Compress modified frame as JPEG frame _, jpeg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", img, (cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 80)) data = CHUNK_BOUNDARY + jpeg.tobytes() await response.write(data) counter_transmit_bytes.inc(len(data)) counter_transmit_frames.inc() # Transmit as chunked MJPEG stream return response.stream( stream_camera, content_type="multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame" ) @app.route("/readyz") async def ready_check(request): logger.info("Testing if Mongo is accessible") try: async for i in app.ctx.coll.find().limit(1): break except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: return response.text("MongoDB server selection timeout", status=503) session = aioboto3.Session() logger.info("Testing if S3 is writable") async with session.resource("s3", aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, endpoint_url=S3_ENDPOINT_URL) as s3: bucket = await s3.Bucket(S3_BUCKET_NAME) await bucket.upload_fileobj(io.BytesIO(b"test"), "test") return response.text("OK") print("Checking if there are any frames received") if app.ctx.mask is None: return response.text("Not enough frames", status=503) @app.route("/healthz") async def health_check(request): if app.ctx.mask is None: return response.text("Not enough frames", status=503) @app.route("/event") async def wrapper_stream_event(request): async def stream_event(response): while True: await app.ctx.event_frame.wait() if app.ctx.mask is not None: continue s = "data: " + json.dumps(app.ctx.mask.tolist()) + "\r\n\r\n" await response.write(s.encode()) counter_emitted_events.inc() return stream(stream_event, content_type="text/event-stream") def handler(signum, frame): # SIGUSR1 handler for manually triggering an event app.ctx.manual_trigger = True @app.listener("before_server_start") async def setup_db(app, loop): app.ctx.mask = None app.ctx.db = AsyncIOMotorClient(MONGO_URI).get_default_database() app.ctx.coll = app.ctx.db[MONGO_COLLECTION] app.ctx.coll.create_index( "@timestamp", expireAfterSeconds=TTL_DAYS * 60 * 60 * 24) app.ctx.coll.create_index([ ("source", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("@timestamp", pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True) app.ctx.last_frame = None app.ctx.event_frame = asyncio.Event() app.ctx.event_id = None app.ctx.manual_trigger = False signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, handler) # Set up processing pipeline download_queue = asyncio.Queue(50) upload_queue = asyncio.Queue(50) asyncio.create_task(uploader( upload_queue)) asyncio.create_task(downloader( download_queue)) asyncio.create_task(motion_detector( ReferenceFrame(), download_queue, upload_queue)) monitor(app).expose_endpoint() app.run(host="", port=5000, debug=bool(os.getenv("DEBUG", 0)))