#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import asyncio import os import signal import socket from kubernetes_asyncio.client.api_client import ApiClient from kubernetes_asyncio.client.exceptions import ApiException from kubernetes_asyncio import client, config, watch PATH_CONFIG = "/var/bind/bind.conf" PATH_ZONEFILE = "/var/bind/db.%s" class BindSidecar(object): def __init__(self, replica=False): self.replica = replica self.update_task = None self.active_zones = set() self.secondaries = {} async def update_config(self): await asyncio.sleep(5) master = socket.gethostbyname("bind-primary") if self.replica else None with open(PATH_CONFIG + ".part", "w") as fh: for zone in self.active_zones: path = PATH_ZONEFILE % zone if self.replica: fh.write("zone \"%s\" { type slave; masters { %s key zone-transfer; }; };\n" % (zone, master)) else: also_notify = ("also-notify { %s };" % (" ".join(["%s;" % j for j in self.secondaries.values()]))) if self.secondaries else "" fh.write("zone \"%s\" { type master; notify explicit; file \"%s\"; %s};\n" % (zone, path, also_notify)) os.rename(PATH_CONFIG + ".part", PATH_CONFIG) print("File", PATH_CONFIG, "updated") try: with open("/var/bind/named.pid") as fh: os.kill(int(fh.read()), signal.SIGHUP) except FileNotFoundError: print("File /var/bind/named.pid not found, assuming Bind not running yet") self.update_task = None def reschedule_update(self): if self.update_task: self.update_task.cancel() self.update_task = asyncio.create_task(self.update_config()) async def watch_bind_zones(self, api_instance): flt = "codemowers.io", "v1alpha1", "bindzones" method = api_instance.list_cluster_custom_object w = watch.Watch() print("Subscribing to BindZone updates") while True: try: async for event in w.stream(method, *flt): if event["type"] == "ADDED": zone = event["object"]["metadata"]["name"] self.active_zones.add(zone) if not self.replica: path = PATH_ZONEFILE % zone print("Adding zone: %s" % zone) if not os.path.exists(path): with open(path + ".part", "w") as fh: fh.write("@ IN SOA ns1.%(zone)s. hostmaster.%(zone)s. (1 300 300 300 300)\n" % locals()) fh.write(" NS ns1.%(zone)s.\n" % locals()) fh.write("ns1 A\n") os.rename(path + ".part", path) self.reschedule_update() elif event["type"] == "DELETED": print("Removing zone: %s" % zone) self.active_zones.remove(zone) os.unlink(PATH_ZONEFILE % event["object"]["metadata"]["name"]) self.reschedule_update() except ApiException as e: if e.status == 410: print("BindZone watch expired") else: raise except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: pass async def watch_bind_replica_pods(self, v1): w = watch.Watch() print("Subscribing to pod updates") while True: try: async for event in w.stream(v1.list_namespaced_pod, "bind", label_selector="app=bind-secondary"): if not event["object"].status.container_statuses: continue container_id = event["object"].status.container_statuses[0].container_id if event["type"] in ("ADDED", "MODIFIED"): if event["object"].status.pod_ip: self.secondaries[container_id] = event["object"].status.pod_ip print("Pod", event["object"].metadata.name, event["type"].lower(), "; current secondaries:", self.secondaries.values()) self.reschedule_update() except ApiException as e: if e.status == 410: print("Pod watch expired") else: raise except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: pass self.secondaries = {} async def run(self, v1, api_instance): tasks = [self.watch_bind_zones(api_instance)] if not self.replica: tasks.append(self.watch_bind_replica_pods(v1)) await asyncio.gather(*tasks) async def main(): if os.getenv("KUBECONFIG"): await config.load_kube_config() else: config.load_incluster_config() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--replica", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() async with ApiClient() as api: v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api) api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(api) await BindSidecar(args.replica).run(v1, api_instance) if __name__ == "__main__": loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) loop.close()