# Node.js and skaffold example ## How to get going? 1. Change `image` URLs in `skaffold.yaml` according to your desired image registry and image name 2. Change `ingress` definition in `k8s/dev/application.yml`: - Traefik's URL `external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/target:` - `- host:` 3. Attempt to run Skaffold: - `skaffold dev --namespace [--kube-context ]` 4. When working and finished, you can leave the application running: - copy `k8s/dev/application.yml` to `k8s/staging/` - run `skaffold run` with the same parameters as earlier ## How to use harbor.codemowers.eu 1. Log in in web browser 2. Create a project or use one destined for you 3. Make it public in the `Configuration` tab so that Kubernetes can easily download the image (do not do this for actual production applications) 4. Create a robot account in `Robot Accounts tab` - Name the account in some way, give it some expiring date - Keep the modal with login open - Run `docker login --username --password harbor.codemowers.eu`. **Beware!** Harbor uses `$` character in the username which bash and other shells would interpret as start of an variable. Escape it with `\ `, like so: `docker login --username robot\$eaas+docker --password ...`