use ; use ; use ; use ; use ; D=16; // dial size in cm $fn=180; module face() { difference(){ clock_outline(D); union() { translate([0,-D/3]) color("red") sun(D/18); translate([0.5,D/3]) color("white") moon(D/7); for(spot=[15:15:360]){ translate([sin(spot)*(D/6*5),cos(spot)*(D/6*5),0]) // position control with radius multiplier color("black") rotate([0,0,180]) // sets 12 on top by rotating the dial text(str(spot/15), size = D/10, halign = "center", valign = "center", font = "Isonorm:style=Regular"); } // Hour dots (dial, radius depth) hour_hexagons(D,4); // Minute lines min_lines(D); } } } face();